Bethaney wears the Theodora dress
Tell us a bit about yourself - what has led you to here?
I've been a graphic artist for almost 15 years and just naturally love good design, especially in clothing. I then became a Mum and to a girl and I think that made me even more "girly" so my obsession with dresses grew. I'm not a big fan of mass produced cheaply made clothing so I'm drawn to vintage, second hand and ethically sourced clothing. I spend most of my week at home with my 2.5 year old, we cook, clean and play so I need clothing that can do all that but I'm not a jeans and tshirt type of person. My passions are my daughter, my dress collection, drawing and creating vegan recipes that my non-vegan family will enjoy.
Bethaney wears the Poète blouse
What is the best thing about being a Mother?
It's a cliche, but I would say the best part about being a mum is knowing that I’m someone’s rock, I know she’ll come to me (for now) and I have the chance to show compassion in the hope that this will teach her compassion too. Even if she feels like she’s made a mistake, I’ll still be there, I guess it’s having someone you love unconditionally, even on the really hard days when she’s pushed all my buttons and brought me to tears I still put her to bed then scroll though my photo roll to see her cheeky face.
What’s your Philosophy as a Mother?
I feel like it’s my job to bring up a kind human, who is strong and confident, but not arrogant, who can fend for herself but isn’t afraid to ask for help if she needs it. I believe I’m there to keep her on the right track and she's there to teach me how to stay calm and have more patience!
How would you describe your style?
Boho mum ready for anything! I generally wear a pair of gym shorts or my bikini under a flowy dress or oversized boho style top, vintage or second hand if possible, I dont want to walk around in activewear because I’m a bit of a hippy at heart, but as soon as my little girl is asleep I can whip off the dress and do a 10 minute workout. In summer the bikini underneath means I’m ready for an impromptu trip to the beach. I just love dresses!
Bethaney wears the Theodora dress
Has it changed since becoming a Mother?
I used to have a lot more time to plan outfits, I knew what I was wearing each day, now I have my wardrobe separated into 3 sections – work, daily, and going out, so I can just pick something from each section depending on the day. I have also changed my attitude towards my clothes, I’ll only buy something I love now, whereas it used to be “that’ll do”, then I’d wear it and feel like it didn’t suit me or didn’t go with anything else but I felt I had to wear it anyway. The other big change is I’ll actually wear things now instead of hanging them up and waiting for the right time, if a dress is in my everyday section I know I’ll wear it instead of leaving it hanging with tags for years, that was such as waste!
Who are your style icons?
At the moment it's mostly other Instagram mummas, mixed in with people like Bridgette Bardot, Stevie Nicks and Goldie Hawn in the 1970s. I love anyone who can make feminine vintage patterns and cuts look good.
Bethaney wears the Poète blouse
What do you get excited about?
Going out to eat! I also get excited when I sell an Item on ebay because I know I can use that money to buy another dress!
What do you like to do when you get a moment to yourself?
Drink my tea while sitting in the sunshine! If I can get out the house then an hour or so of retail therapy followed by some time on the beach is heaven to me!
Why did you choose to become a vegan?
I’ve always been an animal lover so I think it felt natural to me that I don’t decide to keep one species as a pet, while eating another, which lead to vegetarianism. Then after watching documentaries on what really happens behind the scenes in the dairy, wool, and egg industries I decided that I was a hypocrite for supporting these industries so veganism was the correct choice for me.
Do you find it hard to substitute dairy?
Not at all, there are so many choices of milks, or I can make my own out of cashews or macadamias if I’m feeling motivated, plus sorbet generally doesn’t contain dairy so even when we go out for ice cream I can enjoy some too. Cheese substitutes are even available in the mainstream supermarkets now, it’s really easy and the best part is if you’re feeling stuck, google can help!
Bethaney wears the Theodora dress
What is your favourite thing to cook?
Anything with chocolate involved, I recreate the same recipe over and over until I love it, I do plan to start an easy vegan recipe blog especially for Mums once I have enough recipes up my sleeve!
Do you have any special recipes you can share?
Yes! I have played around with this recipe and I'm happy with how easy it is;
EASY BROWNIES - Click for the recipe
What’s your favourite cookbook?
I really love Chocolate Covered Katie's books, and “Veganomicom” is the go to vegan cookbook for a lot of vegans. The most fun for me though is to take my favorite recipes Mum makes and veganize them.
Do you find it harder to plan and cook with a child? What are your tips?
I think cooking with a young child just means more organisation, and cooking a little extra of something I know she’ll eat like pasta or rice, or carrot sticks with hummus or just good old baked beans with peas and corn mixed through. No matter how good I think something tastes, she always takes one look at it and says “I don’t like (insert whatever I’ve made)” Some nights it drives me crazy, other nights I just bring out the back ups! So each night there’s my veggie based dish, then I cook meat for my husband to go with the veggies, and the extra for fussy miss 2. I’m used to it and generally well prepared now, although Saturday night I strictly do not cook and the hubby gets takeout for us!
What did you last eat?
Breakfast which was coconut yogurt, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, vegan protein power, strawberries, blueberries, a banana and peanut butter all mixed together.
If you could cook for five people, who would you cook for?
I’d probably be too scared to cook for anyone outside my family because I’d worry they’d hate my food, but if I could get over that fear, it would be my best friend Tracy who I don't get to see anymore after moving to qld, Sophie Monk, Courtney love for some drama, Dave Navarro, and lastly Lyn White from Animals Australia because I have a lot of respect for her work.
What would be your ideal day?
I’m pretty simple, so I’d like to wake up in my own time (not jump out of bed in a daze because a toddler is screaming at me), dress in a matching outfit with Indiana, followed by a big healthy breakfast and coffee, then off to the beach for the morning, and the afternoon at home recovering from too much sun, and maybe some takeout for dinner. Once Indiana is in bed I would definitely watch a horror movie, in the dark with popcorn!
You live on the Gold Coast, where are some of your favourite hang outs?
Like most Gold Coasters I adore time with my family at Currumbin Creek or a trip up to Mount Tambourine, where there are plenty of vintage stores. For food I could sit and snack all day at Blendlove in Southport or Giri Kana Cafe which is nice and close to work.
Bethaney wears the Theodora dress
What do you love most about the Gold Coast?
The weather for sure, second would be the options when it comes to healthy eating.
What’s your favourite song to sing loudly in the car?
At the moment its “twice” by Catfish and the bottlemen, but I’m sure I’ll make myself sick of that soon, it changes weekly pretty much! Anything by John Butler Trio or Nirvana if I don't have a song of the week.